Brute force

First of all, we need to understand how the lexicographic permutations are computed. If we enumerate all the permutations of '0123' starting with '0':

\[ 0123\\ 0132\\ 0213\\ 0231\\ 0312\\ 0321\\ \]

By removing the '0' we get:

\[ 123\\ 132\\ 213\\ 231\\ 312\\ 321\\ \]

It's the lexicographic permutations of '123' !

We can continue:

\[\begin{align} &123\ &&213\ &&321\\ &132\ &&231\ &&321 \end{align} \]

By removing the first character each time, it gives:

\[\begin{align} &23\ &&13\ &&21\\ &32\ &&31\ &&21 \end{align} \]

That is, the lexicographic permutations of '23', '13', and '21',

Now, enumerating all permutations of '0123' starting with '1':

\[ 1023\\ 1032\\ 1203\\ 1230\\ 1302\\ 1230 \]

By removing the '1' we get:

\[ 023\\ 032\\ 203\\ 230\\ 302\\ 230 \]

It's the lexicographic permutations of '023' !

This means that we can compute all the lexicographic permutations of a string by taking each character, placing it at the beginning of the new permutations and then adding the lexicographic permutations of the rest of the string recursively.


def lexicographic_permutations(s):
    if len(s) <= 1:
        yield s
        for i in range(len(s)):
            for p in lexicographic_permutations(s[:i] + s[i + 1 :]):
                yield s[i] + p

By using yield, we create a generator, it's better than storing 1 million elements and then returning the last one, just take the 1000000th element generated.