Brute force

Based on the definition of a pandigital number, we can deduce that it cannot contain more than 9 digits. Therefore, we can iterate through every permutation of the digits in decreasing order until we find a prime number.


def pandigital_prime():
    initial = "987654321"
    while True:
        for s in itertools.permutations(initial):
            n = int("".join(s))
            if isprime(n):
                return n
        initial = initial[1:]

Moreover, we can optimize the function slightly by taking into account that the sum of the digits in a 9-digit pandigital number is always 45, which makes it divisible by 3 and hence not prime. The same applies to 8-digit pandigital numbers. Therefore, we can skip these cases and start directly with 7-digit pandigital numbers. However, the overall algorithm remains the same.