Maths permutations

If you have understood how lexicographic permutation are constructed, you should have noticed that permutations are made from right to left. Before updating the number on the left, all permutations on the right must have been made. That is why with the string '0123', the first 6 permutations begin with '0', then the 6 following permutations with '1', and so on.

The string in our examples contains 4 characters, it implies that every \( ( 4 - 1 )! \) permutations the first digit will change. We can even tell which one will be placed first by knowing the multipliers of that factorial. If it is the \( 3 * 3! \)th permutations, the first digit will be the third one in the string, '3' in this example.

Since this process is recursive, we can find the first digit each time by reducing the n-th permutations we are looking for.

For example, if we researched the 15th lexicographic permutations, we know that the first character will be '2' because the \( 3! \) first permutations will start with '0', the next \( 3! \) with '1'.

The 12th lexicographic permutations is obviously '2013'. It's just '0123', but the '2' is place at the first position. Now that we have our first digit, we can remove those 12 permutations from the 15th, which gives us 3 permutations.

Now, we are searching for the third lexicographic permutations of '013', with the same reasoning, we can find that the first digit will be '1' after \( 1 * 2! \) permutations. It leaves use with 1 permutation and the string '03'.

After \( 1 * 1! \) permutations the first digit will be '3'. It leaves us with '0' which is the last digit. The 15 lexicographic permutations is '2130' !

We just have to find the quotient and remainder of our nth permutations, the divisor being the length of the string minus one. We can continue as long as our string contains more than one character.


def lexicographic_permutations(s, n):
    if len(s) <= 1:
        return s
    q, r = divmod(n, factorial(len(s) - 1))
    return s[q] + lexicographic_permutations(s[:q] + s[q + 1 :], r)