Search unique combination

There is no need to try all numbers with at most 6 digits. What is really important is to try all combinations of numbers with at most 6 digits. For example, the sum of the fourth powers of digits of \( 1346 \) is the same as the sum of \( 1634, 1436\dots \) But even if the sum is the same for \( 1356 \) and \( 1634 \), only \( 1634 \) has a sum equal to itself. So how can we avoid calculating duplicate combinations but still find the solution ?

We need to build a list of these combinations, which is easily done with a recursive function. The idea is to create the string so that the digits are sorted. The stopping condition is the number of digits. Recursive functions are a pain to understand, but if you print the result and the string after each iteration, you should understand the function without too much trouble.

I used yield instead of building an entire list, but you can consider that it's the same thing.

def build_combination(d, n=0, s=''):
    if d == 0:
        yield s
        for i in range(n, 10):
            for v in build_combination(d - 1, i, s + str(i)):
                yield v

The trick is to compute the sum a first time, for example, taking \( 1346 \) which sum is equal to \( 1^5 + 3^5 + 4^5 + 6^5 = 1634 \). Then, repeat the operation a second time \( 1^5 + 6^5 + 3^5 + 4^5 = 1634 \). If the total is the same for both computations, then you have found one combination that works.

Instead of computing the fifth power of each digit, we can compute them once and store them in a cache. The rest is just trying all the previously found combinations. We need to remove 1 from the final result as the problem indicates.

def digit_fifth_powers():
    cache = [i ** 5 for i in range(0, 10)]
    res = 0
    for n in build_combination(6):
        total = sum(cache[int(c)] for c in n)
        if sum(cache[int(c)] for c in str(total)) == total:
            res += total

    return res - 1