Brute force

The Problem 0071 teach us that Farey sequences are useful to solve problem involving HCF. Given two fractions \( \frac{a}{b} \) and \( \frac{c}{d} \), it is possible to determine the mediant \( \frac{a+c}{b+d} \).

In this problem, the first two terms are \( \frac{0}{1} \) and \( \frac{1}{n} \), with \( n=1000000 \). The next term \( \frac{p}{q} \) can be found using the first two terms \( \frac{a}{b} \) and \( \frac{c}{d} \):

\[ \frac{a + p}{b + q} = \frac{c}{d} \]

Since \( \frac{c}{d} \) is in lowest terms, there exists an integer \( k \) such that \( a + p = kc \) and \( b + q = kd \). Also, \( \frac{p}{q} - \frac{c}{d} = \frac{cb - da}{d(kd - b)} \) so the larger the value of \( k \), the closer \( \frac{p}{q} \) is to \( \frac{c}{d} \). The next term \( \frac{p}{q} \) is the one with the largest \( k \) such that \( kd - b \leq n \Leftrightarrow k \leq \frac{n + b}{d} \). This gives the following recurrence relation:

\[ p = \left\lfloor \frac{n + b}{d} \right\rfloor c - a \\ q = \left\lfloor \frac{n + b}{d} \right\rfloor d - b \]

This relation can be used to generate all the terms of the Farey sequence, in our case, counting the number of terms is enough to solve the problem.


def counting_fractions(n=1000001):
    a, b, c, d = 0, 1, 1, n
    res = 0

    while c <= n:
        k = (n + b) // d
        a, b, c, d = c, d, k * c - a, k * d - b
        res += 1

    return res