Better dynamic programming

Dynamic programming can be a bit improved by using a single array instead of a table. The array will contain the number of ways to make \( n \) using the coins we have. The array will be initialized with 1, and we will update it by adding the number of ways to make \( n - c \) to the current value. This way we will only need \( O(n) \) space. The time complexity will be the same as the previous solution, but the space complexity will be better.


def coin_sums(n=200):
    coins = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200]
    cache = [1] + [0] * n

    for coin in coins:
        for i in range(coin, n + 1):
            cache[i] += cache[i - coin]

    return cache[-1]